The box arrived with a hole in it so I was a little skeptical, but the whole family is very happy with it (so far). Simple, clearly labeled instructions for easy assembly. The adjustable posts at the top are a bit unconventional, just long threaded rods under the lid that you have to be careful not to twist past the top or you'll damage the roof. This makes wing nuts completely useless if you need to reach the ceiling for stability. You'd definitely do that, considering how tall this tower is, and my cat jumped on it, climbing up and scraping the posts, but if you twist the top until it's snug against the ceiling, it's safe enough! Very happy with the soft, clean lid and the quality of the cat scratching post. My favorite part is the bubble bowl, but the cats don’t understand or trust it yet. Good floor space and the main floor is high enough to keep food away from the dogs which is important to us. Bagheera's favorite was the wicker hammock. He was delighted that it could bear a weight of 5.5kg even when hung on the wall.