Overall, this scratcher post is nice and sturdy, and my cats use it a lot. The problem is this: when my other (older) cat is trying to jump onto the first platform, my kitten is chasing her. Her leg got stuck in the hammock, which was attached to the bottom of the first platform. She was extremely claustrophobic and started complaining loudly. She also tried to run away angrily, but to no avail. My friend and I rushed over to help. I grabbed her entire body while advising my friend to focus on releasing her legs. At the start of that 10-15 second utter mess, Mindel (the cat) bit my girlfriend's hand, scratched my arm/chest, and pissed on my leg. Her legs seemed to hang limply when we tried to free her. Apparently I have terrible thoughts/plans in mind in case she breaks her leg. Fortunately, her legs were freed and she escaped. She got under the bed and came out after a while. Your legs are fine. Our other cat was very scared for a while because he had never heard his sister in such pain before. I removed the hammock from the tree and threw that horrible thing away. Mindel hadn't been near the scratch for a week. I wonder if she will use it again. I'm glad my wife and I were home when this happened. This story may have a darker ending. I ask anyone who buys this scratcher post not to use a hammock.